Hello all you beautiful animals! Thanks so much for being here 🙏.
It is a great honor to me to announce that the Auction for my most labor-intensive and iconic NFT production to date, has indeed begun! This is already my most valuable auction so far — with a dear supporter kicking it off with a bid for 509 Algo 🙏
In early 2020, when it was clear as the sun is warm that Big Brother BG from the Gates of Hell was on a genocidal war path to depopulate the planet — I reached out to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Instagram to offer graphical communication support. He responded within 5 minutes, and next thing I knew, we were on a phone call ⚡️❤️.
We started with a few simpler graphics targeting twitter for their censorship, with Robert providing a lot of great direction and visual references of what he wanted.
Later on, when Robert called to ask me to edit a video of Bill Gates saying the word vaccines repetitively — I found I only needed the first video interview of the dozens he had his staffer send me to use. A single 10 minute interview with Gates condensed into 2 min 37 seconds was enough to convey Big Brother Bill in his duper-delighted richness. I felt using the same interview clip might actually have a greater impact conveying the richness of the propaganda. And boy, was Bill begging for the role of Big Brother from Orwell’s 1984 — So I gave it to him! I was editing this footage for at least a week and half — I knew Bill quite well by the end.
This video was originally published on Robert F. Kennedy's Instagram channel with millions of followers before his account was deleted by the major social media division of SAMA Corp. (Facebook — Now 'Meta'.)
If you can’t see the obvious dupers-delight on Bills face… I can’t help you. Bill has even told us straight up in his TED talks that he wants to depopulate the planet. I have no idea how there are still animals on earth that don’t innerstand how disgusting this man is, but that’s the upside-down world we live in.
I hope most of you have figured out by now, the World Health Organization, Gates, Fauci, and the rest of the criminal class give absolutely ZERO f*cks about your health.
I’d say we are well past the point where it’s beyond clear that they want you dead and dying. But pretend otherwise if you insist!
I hope you enjoy the NFT production! Who am I to say what a Robert F. Kennedy Jr and a Matthew James Lawler collaboration is worth? It’s not for me to say, but for you to bid! 🙏💫 I expect it will change as the moons 🌝 and years go by. I sure would love to see it become a classic ❤️ for all time that helps the whole world to innerstand and remember well and good exactly WHO Bill Gates of Hell is 🔥🔥🔥 In addition to supporting my family — maybe we could even help fund some of the needed litigation to finish this fucker and his cronies for good! 🤔
Cheers 🥂⚡️ and thanks so much for the support from those of you have responded with encouraging comments and purchased my NFTs 🙏.
This is a Smart NFT on Dartroom. If anyone would like to dive deeper on what that means, you can learn more here. But in short, it does guarantee royalties for creators on their resale.
Much love, everybody!