Hello Anml’s! Before I start sharing my fictional Anml Style works right here in your inbox — a work very much inspired by living in the SAMO 3D Matrix for 37 years — I thought I would share a bit about the challenges of releasing oneself from such a matrix. It’s nothing to sneeze at, and it’s the Great Work that we’ve all been put up to deal with at our own pace. And I do believe a large part of my purpose on this planet, especially through Anml Style stories and artwork — is to help others detach from the SAMO Matrix and embrace the frequencies of ‘New Earth’. The fact of the matter is that the programming began the moment we slid out the birth canal (especially if you were born in a hospital!) and has been perpetual ever since. Releasing all the programming is no trivial thing. It’s the challenge of a lifetime… or perhaps MANY lifetimes.
We have been forced into some very uncomfortable growth these past two years. And boy, have I been triggered! The fuckin’ maskers! Holy shit! And the mandated jabs! Talk about pushing buttons on a freedom lover! It feels I have literally been pushed to the fringes of society. How much longer must ‘The Show’ go on? At this point, I am doing my best to leave it all behind and ‘rise above’. The problems of the 3D Matrix are not worth my attention or even my resistance. My innerstanding is that this is the great revealing, and we will ultimately enjoy a ‘New Earth’ that is almost unrecognizable to everything we’ve known. But first, I need to learn to operate consistently from the vibration of LOVE. ❤️⚡️
I recently was offered ‘The Works’ by a lovely astral healer in my community. She worked with me to clear out programming and some dark energy attachments that had taken up residence in me. I feel we made some great progress in purging things that were not serving my interests. Time will tell! I also found out, allegedly, that I’m an Andromedan Starseed who has lived over 10,000 lives! Though I hold this idea loosely, as I’m not concerned about the past. I certainly intend to be persistent about shedding all fear frequencies, and consciously choosing higher frequency thoughts.
If you would like to assist me in having more higher-frequency thoughts, You can very much do so by supporting my work and purchasing one of my Full Moonly ANML-yielding NFTs over on Dartroom, or simply by sending a word of encouragement in response to this email. 🙏. NFT sales are my primary source of income today, and I do have a need to increase my income. Got a project you think I’d be great for? My inbox is open!
Of course, if you have the resources… Boy would I love ❤️ to meet the person who will purchase the ultra-ultra-God-mode rare SAMO American Pravda NFT collaboration with Martin Geddes for 5600 Algo. (The price doubles again for #06 — Peak Pathocracy). These are designed to be highly exclusive and sought after assets as we continue our transition into a new financial system. We have sold the first 4 of 11 ‘11:11 For Change’ NFTs paired with the Highly censored first edition print of Martin’s book, Open Your Mind to Change. Big Thanks again to Mark Attwood (who just published this fascinating discussion with Tom Numbers today) for his support in purchasing #04 INVERSION! Each of these is an ultra-rare collectible and tradable digital asset that empowers you to put your money where your values are.
I have felt a natural calling to bringing my passion for storytelling into the ‘future of finance’ with Non-Fungible Tokens as we say goodbye to the current financial system and everything else failing with it. I believe we need to create the financial system we want — not the one that Central Banks want to control. So that is yet another reason to adopt and influence one of the most performant blockchains right now.
A final word…
We are so much more than we’ve been lead to believe. WE ARE POWERFUL CREATORS! To realize our potential, we must unplug from the Matrix, and create our own timelines instead of manifesting the the predictive programming THEY would have us materialize.
⚡️If you would like to support my Anml Style work with USD instead of ALGO, you can do so by becoming a paid subscriber to this newsletter. The first 65 people to register as Founding Members for $65 are encouraged to claim their 1/65 Anml 001 NFT, which will yield ANML tokens on a full-moonly basis. To claim, you will need an Algorand wallet. I recommend MyAlgo or the official Algorand Pera Wallet in the iOS and Android app stores. 🌝
Thanks you for reading 💫!