🔥 Chief Twit Calls out MSM NPCs (SAMO!) / Let's go viral!
⚡️This is a message that needs to spread far and wide 🌎
Hello dear animals!

⚡️I come to you today with lifted spirits and good tidings : ) Instead of releasing my Chief Twit artwork with visuals alone — I opted to add my favorite soundbite from a recent #TwitterFiles Live discussion with Elon. I tagged those who were in the conversation on Twitter, and the tweet is thankfully getting some traction 🙏 (for my account, at least) . I appreciate your help spreading the word — as I think if we could get EVERYBODY to hear this message from the world’s most popular billionaire — it could have quite an impact. 🔥🔥🔥 The downfall of the MSM is happening faster than ever, now ❤️❤️❤️. Considering they are the biggest plague we have on earth, I’m relishing in that. Let’s continue to accelerate it : ) ⚡️⚡️⚡️

Considering the potential reach here, I opted to mint this NFT on the Ethereum network, where I first began minting NFTs in 2020. I think it makes a lot of sense for me to diversify and be a ‘multi-chain’ artist, and it will mean a lot for me to break through to sell an NFT for > 1 $ETH, so that is the minimum bid I set for this auction on Rarible.
I totally get that most people don’t have 1 ETH to spend on digital artwork representing historical moments, but I am looking for those who do! In any case, I encourage you to consider the magnitude of the worlds most famous entrepreneur and billionaire calling out the MSM as a bunch of groupthink NPCs, then naming Facebook, Google, and TikTok. 🔥🔥🔥.
This is a historical marker for me : ) I’m thankful for it, no matter what this NFT creation sells for 😜. You can catch the whole #TwiterFiles Twitter Space discussion here on Youtube now. I enjoyed nearly the whole conversation ; )
Perhaps we can get the tweet featured in Martin’s
newsletter as well ; ) 🙏Cheers to EVERYONE who has NOT been “Toeing the line” Of course, Elon is not the only one. He just happens to be the richest.